Lotus Root Salad With Hot & Tangy Dressing

This salad recipe is a great way to incorporate healthy lotus root into your meal plan. Lotus root salad is a cold dish that can be served as a snack, meal starter, or side dish. Simply boil the lotus root for a minute and pour the garlicky, spicy, and tangy dressing.

All About Lotus Root Salad

Lotus root (莲藕) is commonly used in stir-fried, soup (such as Lotus Root Soup With Ribs), braised, and salad dishes. It is loved for its mild, sweet taste, similar to that of a water chestnut. Moreover, it has a crunchy, starchy texture similar to that of a potato.

The question is–is it healthy? Why of course, it is! Lotus root has several health benefits, such as aiding in digestion, supporting weight management, boosting immunity, and supporting heart health.Lotus Root Salad3

So, it makes sense that lotus root salad should be part of your meal plan from time to time. It is one of the easiest recipes to prepare since it involves basic steps. You just need to clean and slightly boil the lotus root slices and pour the homemade dressing.

My dressing is a combination of well-balanced contrasting flavors. It is garlicky, peppery, hot, slightly sweet, tangy, and nutty. However, you can alter the taste according to your liking.

If you love salads or easy vegetable recipes, check out these delicious recipes:

How To Personalize Lotus Root Salad

If it is your first time using lotus root, this section shares how to choose one from the market. Moreover, if you are looking for ways to personalize the dressing, I also offer some tips and alternatives for each ingredient. Here’s how to personalize your lotus root salad.

  • Lotus root: Lotus root is available in Asian grocery stores or farmers’ When choosing lotus roots, the fresh ones are typically firm to the touch. It should have light brown skin without soft spots or blemishes. Moreover, it should feel heavy when picked up, meaning it is not dried out and has moisture. Aside from whole fresh lotus root, you can also opt for pre-sliced or pre-peeled lotus root packed in plastic packaging.
  • Dressing: For the dressing, it is a mix of minced garlic, ginger, chopped dried peppers, salt, bouillon powder, sugar, vinegar, and sesame oil. I also added hot oil to partially cook the ingredients and meld everything. However, if you prefer an oil-free dressing, you can omit the hot oil and adjust the seasonings to taste.
    • Garlic: I love a garlicky dressing for its nutty, earthy, and pungent taste. If you don’t have garlic but want the garlic taste, replace 1 clove of garlic with 1/8 tsp of garlic powder or 1/4 tsp of granulated garlic. You can also substitute pre-cooked crispy fried garlic if you have one on hand.
    • Ginger: Minced ginger lends a peppery, warm, and citrusy taste. If using ground ginger, use 1/4 to 1/2 tsp for every 1 tbsp of fresh ginger.
    • Dried chili pepper: Dried chili pepper makes the dressing hot, smoky, and slightly sweet. This can be replaced with chili flakes or cayenne pepper. Remove this from the dressing if you prefer non-spicy.
    • Hot oil: I added hot oil to partially cook the fresh ingredients and fuse the taste. When heating hot oil, I recommend using oil with a high-smoke point to reduce the amount of oil oxidized and to withstand heat longer. Oil with a high smoke point are avocado, peanut, canola, and corn oil. For a healthier option, go for olive, avocado, sesame, or safflower oil. However, for sesame oil, keep in mind this has a strong nutty taste that can overpower the dressing if used too much.
    • Salt: Salt is an indispensable flavor booster since it brings out the flavors of all the seasonings. Use any type of salt you want, such as sea salt, pink salt, and kosher salt.  
    • Bouillon powder: I used chicken bouillon powder to give the taste more depth. If you prefer non-chicken for a full vegan or vegetarian salad, use vegetable powder or chicken-flavored bouillon powder. This ingredient is optional.
    • Sugar: Sugar is essential in neutralizing the flavors of the seasonings. Use any type of sweetener you like, such as white sugar, cane sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup, or coconut sugar. If you prefer sugar-free, you can simply omit this from the dressing.
    • White vinegar: I like a tangy dressing, so I added white vinegar. If you want a Chinese taste, go for Chinese black vinegar, also known as Chinkiang vinegar or Zhenjiang vinegar. It is a bit different from regular vinegar since it is fruity and slightly sweet. It is up to you if you want to use other types of vinegar, such as apple cider, malt vinegar, or white balsamic vinegar.
    • Sesame oil: Lastly, add a hint of nutty, toasty, and earthy taste and aroma with sesame oil. If you prefer a stronger taste, simply pour in more sesame oil. And if you want a bit of nutty crunch, use sesame oil with sesame seeds or separately add toasted white or black sesame seeds.
  • Coriander: For a final touch and a pop of color, add some chopped fresh coriander. This lends a tart and lemon-like taste to the dressing. You can substitute fresh coriander with fresh parsley, mint, or basil. However, the taste may vary.

Ingredients And Kitchenware

All you need is a knife for chopping, bowls for rinsing and mixing, and a pot for boiling. When mixing the dressing with hot oil, make sure to use a heat-resistant bowl to prevent it from breaking. If you like mixing with your hands, it would be better to have food-safe plastic gloves.

The ingredients you need are the following:

  • 1 lotus root, peeled and thinly sliced (about 400g)
  • Pot of water with a dash of vinegar (for boiling)
  • Dressing: Adjust to taste
    • 1 tbsp of minced garlic
    • 1 tbsp of minced ginger
    • 1 tbsp of chopped dried red peppers
    • 1 scoop of hot oil  
    • 1 tsp of salt
    • 1 tsp of bouillon powder(optional)
    • 1 tsp of sugar
    • 2 tbsp of white vinegar
    • A drizzle of sesame oil (to taste)
  • A handful of chopped fresh coriander

10 Steps To Make Lotus Root Salad

Finish the recipe in 10 easy steps and less than 10 minutes. Simply clean the lotus root slices, boil them for a minute, and pour the prepared dressing all over. Learn how I made the salad by following the steps below and watching my Instagram or TikTok tutorial video.

Did you like this salad recipe? Share your thoughts and recommendations by leaving a comment in the comments section. When you are done making the salad, snap a photo and share it with me with the tag @kitchenmisadventures.

Here’s how to make lotus root salad:

  1. Prepare the lotus root. Clean and peel the skin with a vegetable peeler. Then, cut the lotus root crosswise into thin, uniform slices.cut the lotus root crosswise into thin
  2. Next, rinse the lotus root slices in a large bowl of water to remove excess starch. Then, drain the water from the bowl.rinse the lotus root slices
  3. Bring a pot of water to a boil. When the water starts to boil, add a dash of vinegar. Adding vinegar helps prevent the lotus root from blackening as it boils.
  4. Afterward, add the lotus root slices and boil for 1 minute. Remove them from the pot and let them cool in water. Make sure to have a timer set to 1 minute to avoid overboiling the lotus root slices. Cooling in water prevents the lotus root from further cooking and becoming too soft and soggy.add the lotus root slices and boil for 1 minute
  5. While the lotus root is cooling, make the dressing. In a heat-resistant bowl, combine minced garlic, minced ginger, and chopped dried red peppers.
  6. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a saucepan until it is sizzling hot. Carefully pour the hot oil over the dressing. This releases the fragrance of the aromatics and partially cooks them.make the dressing
  7. Next, season with salt, chicken bouillon powder (if using), sugar, vinegar, and a drizzle of sesame oil. Mix well.
  8. Remove the cooled lotus root from the bowl of water and drain well. Then, transfer the lotus root slices to a serving bowl.
  9. Pour the dressing over the lotus root slices.
  10. Add a handful of chopped coriander and mix everything well until the dressing is evenly coated.Pour the dressing over the lotus root slicesmix everything wellLotus Root SaladLotus Root Salad2
    Lotus Root Salad2

    Lotus Root Salad With Hot & Tangy Dressing

    This salad recipe is a great way to incorporate healthy lotus root into your meal plan. Lotus root salad is a cold dish that can be served as a snack, meal starter, or side dish. Simply boil the lotus root for a minute and pour the garlicky, spicy, and tangy dressing.
    Prep Time 15 minutes
    Cook Time 5 minutes
    Course Side Dish
    Cuisine Chinese
    Servings 2
    Calories 70 kcal


    • 1 lotus root peeled and thinly sliced (about 400g)
    • Pot of water with a dash of vinegar for boiling

    Dressing: Adjust to taste

    • 1 tbsp of minced garlic
    • 1 tbsp of minced ginger
    • 1 tbsp of chopped dried red peppers
    • 1 scoop of hot oil
    • 1 tsp of salt
    • 1 tsp of bouillon powder optional
    • 1 tsp of sugar
    • 2 tbsp of white vinegar
    • A drizzle of sesame oil to taste
    • A handful of chopped fresh coriander


    • Prepare the lotus root. Clean and peel the skin with a vegetable peeler. Then, cut the lotus root crosswise into thin, uniform slices.
    • Next, rinse the lotus root slices in a large bowl of water to remove excess starch. Then, drain the water from the bowl.
    • Bring a pot of water to a boil. When the water starts to boil, add a dash of vinegar. Adding vinegar helps prevent the lotus root from blackening as it boils.
    • Afterward, add the lotus root slices and boil for 1 minute. Remove them from the pot and let them cool in water. Make sure to have a timer set to 1 minute to avoid overboiling the lotus root slices. Cooling in water prevents the lotus root from further cooking and becoming too soft and soggy.
    • While the lotus root is cooling, make the dressing. In a heat-resistant bowl, combine minced garlic, minced ginger, and chopped dried red peppers.
    • Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a saucepan until it is sizzling hot. Carefully pour the hot oil over the dressing. This releases the fragrance of the aromatics and partially cooks them.
    • Next, season with salt, chicken bouillon powder (if using), sugar, vinegar, and a drizzle of sesame oil. Mix well.
    • Remove the cooled lotus root from the bowl of water and drain well. Then, transfer the lotus root slices to a serving bowl.
    • Pour the dressing over the lotus root slices.
    • Add a handful of chopped coriander and mix everything well until the dressing is evenly coated.



    Calories: 70kcalCarbohydrates: 14gProtein: 2gFat: 1gSaturated Fat: 0.1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.2gMonounsaturated Fat: 0.4gCholesterol: 0.1mgSodium: 1447mgPotassium: 365mgFiber: 3gSugar: 2gVitamin A: 146IUVitamin C: 33mgCalcium: 36mgIron: 1mg
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